Trademark Types


General trademark.

Collective mark

A sign registered in the name of union, association, or other group with legal personality indicates the goods/services provided by their members.

Basic Information

Protection term
10 years from filing date (Trademarks should be renewed every 10 years thereafter by the official deadline).
Multiple-class application
Publication before examination
Examination period
About 6 months from filing date.
Publication period for opposition
30 days from publication date.
Payment of registration fee
If no opposition is filed during the “publication period for opposition”, the mark will be granted registration; the registration fee must be paid within 1 months.
Issuance of registration certificate
Registration certificate will be issued on the same day when the Office receives the payment of registration fee.
Non-use cancellation
Non-use within 5 consecutive years from registration date.
Statement of use

Stage Procedure

1. Filing
(1) Documents (information) for filing new trademark application
  • Trademark drawing
  • Power of attorney (shall be notarized and legalized till the embassy / consulate of the UAE)
Collective mark
  • Trademark drawing
  • Power of attorney (shall be notarized and legalized till the embassy / consulate of the UAE)
  • Regulation on the use of collective mark
2. Examination
(1) Documents (information) for response
Trademark Collective mark
3. Grant
(1) Documents (information) for resgistration
Trademark Collective mark
4. Maintenance
Earliest date on which renewals can be filed
12 months before official deadline.
Official deadline for renewals
Every 10 years from filing date.
Grace period for renewals
(1) Documents (information) for renewals
Trademark Collective mark
  • Power of attorney (shall be notarized and legalized till the embassy / consulate of the UAE).
  • Digital copy of certificate of trademark registration