Trademark r, Trademark Registration and Trademark Use

Trademark Registration

Trademark Search and Consultation

Trademark Search and Consultation

We will assist clients in searching for similar trademarks and provide suggestions for trademark applications and classifications based on these search results, to increase the chances of successful prosecution.

Trademark Applications Process

Trademark Applications

In line with our clients' strategies, we will provide a total solution for trademark applications in Taiwan and other countries, including providing distinctiveness evaluation of trademarks and feasible identification of goods/services according to their classification before filing new applications.

Office Action, Appeal (Review)

Office Action, Appeal (Review)

We will carry out an Office action analysis, and then discuss with the client the best way to respond. After integrating all relevant information and evidence, we will submit the response within the statutory period.

Trademark Renewals Control

Trademark Renewals Control

We will send regular reminders to clients for deciding whether to renew their marks before the renewal due date. Upon receipt of clients' instruction for payment of renewal fees, we will proceed accordingly, ensuring the maintenance of their trademark rights.

Opposition, Invalidation and Revocation

Opposition, Invalidation and Revocation

We will analyze similarities, business relationships, geographical relationships and other elements between trademarks of competitors and clients, and then present all feasible solutions to the client. We will file an opposition, invalidation or revocation by integrating these opinions, relevant information and evidence provided by clients before the relevant due date.

Trademark Infringement Analysis

Trademark Infringement Analysis

We will perform an analysis on the basis of relevant information and documents provided by clients to determine whether other entities have violated the trademark, and provide feasible solutions.

Trademark Assignment and Licensing

Trademark Assignment and Licensing

We will assist clients in completing all official registration procedures including assignment, partial assignment, exclusive licensing and non-exclusive licensing to ensure that the assignee's rights are effectively protected against infringement from third parties.

The NAIP professional trademark service team cooperated with world-wide agencies is to provide clients with a full range of trademark services.

As far as the company’s professional team is concerned, NAIP has recruited a number of agents, procedure specialist, sales and customer service specialists who are familiar with trademark knowledge, has employed legal researchers in order to immediately grasp the up- to-date status of trademark regulation changes; and has hired system development engineers to develop trademark management automation system to upgrade the efficiency and correctness of trademark management. In addition, NAIP continues to develop partnership with foreign agencies with extensive experience in trademark processing and reasonable service charges in the five continents to jointly provide clients with more quality world-wide trademark layout services.

Trademark Agents and Other Team Members

Trademark Agents

Trademark Agents

With many Taiwan trademark agents with years of experience in trademark agency and consultation practices
  • Provide the best trademark application proposal based on client’s strategy on brand development and trademark layout to enhance the approval rate of client’s trademark registration applications.
  • Perform a similar trademark search for the new applications and provide search reports to clients as the reference of trademark application strategy.
  • Provide clients with best recommendations on matters such as OA response, opposition, invalidation and revocation of Taiwan trademark cases.
  • Provide clients with professional trademark consultation services.

Trademark Process Administrator

With ripe experience in trademark registration applications and procedure processing
  • Perform procedures such as trademark search, registration application, OA response, grant, opposition, invalidation, revocation and renewal.
  • Provide effective and optimal cost solutions for clients.
  • Effectively control the application and process of trademark cases able to be completed within the official deadline.
  • Instruct foreign agencies to process the applications of trademark registration in various countries.
  • Control the quality, timeliness and progress of the cases processed by foreign agencies.

Customer Service Specialists

With many years’ experience in trademark cases processing and customer service
  • Accept the client’s instructions of trademark cases entrusted and ensure the completeness and correctness of the case information.
  • Responsible for coordinating all internal related departments to initiate trademark processing procedures.
  • Provide the up-to-date progress of trademark application for clients in time.
  • Notify clients in time of changes in trademark regulations and official fee adjustments; and provide clients with the best response plans.

Sales Specialists

With experience in business promotion of diverse industries
  • Provide basic consultation services for trademark applications.
  • Provide clients with the optimal combination proposals of application and cost.

Legal Researchers

With many years of experience in research, analysis and training of IP regulations
  • Monitor the changes in trademark regulations and fees of the IPOs of various countries at any time; and are responsible for compiling the sales kits of regulations (official fees) changes sent to clients by the customer service specialists.
  • Provide relevant education and training on the latest regulations and procedures to the trademark team on a regular basis.

System Development Engineers

With many years of R&D experience in the IP Management System
  • Develop an internal automation system to enhance the efficiency of trademark processing.
  • Develop an e-commerce platform to facilitate clients to check trademark related information and processing progress at any time.
  • Ensure information security for internal automation system and e-commerce platform.

Trademark Team Professional Seniority Distribution Map

Seniority of Trademark Application and Agency Seniority of Trademark Registration and Agency

Foreign Agencies

In order to provide clients with world-wide trademark services, NAIP Group will take considerations of those cooperative foreign agencies with stable operation, complete trademark expertise, practical trademark processing experience, carefully controlled trademark administrative operations, trademarks regulatory consultation services and reasonable service charges.

All foreign agencies officially cooperated with NAIP will apply standard procedures pre-appointed between two parties, so that both parties can operate in the same rigorous standard procedure to provide clients with a full range of quality professional services.

World-wide Trademark Application ExperienceWorld-wide Trademark Application Experience

North America Intellectual Property Corporation (NAIP) works with a number of IP STARS ranked professional firms, and has successfully assisted clients in registering trademarks in more than 150 countries, both directly and through international intellectual property organizations and alliances such as: Madrid International Registration, EU Trademark Registration and African Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO).

Rigorous Quality Control MechanismTrademark Application Cases Control and Management

NAIP handles trademark applications in each stage of a client, which will be double-checked by senior supervisors. Even if the trademark application is handled by an agency, NAIP is still responsible for the effectiveness and reliability of the operations conducted by the agency.

Professional Automation SystemProcess Automation

NAIP’s excellent system development engineers have years of experience in trademark practices and expertise, and have developed an in-house trademark management automation system. With the assistance of NAIP’s automation system, the relevant procedures of trademark cases will be completed accurately and effectively; and systematic reports of various statuses of these cases are provided to the clients.

Transparent Structured QuotationReasonable Trademark fees

NAIP not only provides official fees and service fee information for multi-national trademarks renewals, but also provides fee quotations for other trademark services, in order to facilitate a client's cost estimation of trademark cases. NAIP is committed to providing transparent fee charges, and will only proceed with further actions after receiving client’s instructions.

Flexible PaymentPayment Methods

NAIP provides flexible payment models to facilitate their clients a smooth accounting procedure.
